Explore fun facts and information about Venus; the hottest planet in the solar system. Discover important data and info. about its structure and composition, appearance, size, surface, color, unique characteristics, mass, weight, temperature, weather, solar system location, distance from the Earth, orbit speed around the Sun.

Travel through the Solar System with Factsmania, and discover the most interesting Planet Venus facts and info for kids. Print a fact sheet for free to help with a homework project or school activity. Our simple summaries, definitions and explanations can be used to assist classroom teachers in teaching kids about the planets of the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Interesting Facts about Planet Venus for Kids:- Discover amazing facts about Venus with our summary of data and information for kids. Do you know why Venus is hotter than Mercury? Did you know that it has a similar atmosphere to Earth? Do you what defines Venus as an inner planet? Did you know that the planet's name derives from the Roman God of Love? Did you know that Venus is yellow and orange, and that it is the brightest planet in our solar system?

Interesting Facts about Planet Venus for Kids:- Our Interesting Facts for Kids can be printed for free and used to teach school kids about our incredible solar system planets.

Interesting Planet Venus Facts for Kids

Planet Venus Fact File for Kids:- Name: Venus derived from the Roman God of love and beauty *** Other Names: Morning or Evening Star *** Size: 6th Smallest Solar System Planet *** Diameter: 12,104km *** Mass: 4.867E24 kg *** Color: Yellow and orange *** Distance from Sun: 107 to 261 million kms *** Distance from Earth: 40 million kms *** Days to orbit the Sun: 225 Earth Days *** Orbit Speed: 126,077 kilometers per hour *** Surface Temperature: Varies from 55°C to 800°C plus *** Weather: No seasons *** Atmosphere: Similar to Earth *** Satellites (Moons): None *** Number of Rings: None *** Composition / Structure: Core, mantle and crust ***Unique Characteristics: Slight axis tilt, extreme surface temperatures *** Solar System Location: Second closest to the Sun, located between Mercury and Earth *** Inner or Outer Planet: Inner Planet along with Mercury, Earth and Mars

Interesting Facts for Kids 1:- Planet Venus Definition:
Venus is the second planet in our solar system from the Sun. The color of Venus is dark yellow and orange, and it is the brightest planet in our solar system because its surface is covered by volcanoes. . The planet's name derives from the Roman God of love and beauty.

Interesting Facts for Kids 2:- How far is Planet Venus from the Sun?
Planet Venus is approximately 108 million km from the Sun. At its closest, the planet orbits at approximately 107 million kms, and at its furthest point, it is located at around 261 million kms from the Sun.

Interesting Facts for Kids 3:- How far is Planet Venus from the Earth?
The distance  between Venus from Earth is approximately 40 million km (25 million miles). Although Venus is the closest planet to Earth, the atmospheres, temperatures and surface structures differ massively between the two planets.

Interesting Facts for Kids 4:- Where is Planet Venus located?
Venus is an inner planet as its orbit is situated on the inner side of the asteroid belt, between the asteroid belt and the Sun. For this reason, Planet Venus is also categorized as a terrestrial planet. It is located between the Mercury and Earth with its closest planet being Earth.

Interesting Facts for Kids 5:- How long does it take Planet Venus to orbit the Sun?
It takes Planet Venus approximately 225 Earth days to complete a full orbit of the Sun. Its orbit speed is approximately 126,077 kilometers per hour (78,341 miles per hour). Venus has an incredibility small axial tilt compared with the other planets, as is only 3 degrees.

Interesting Facts for Kids 6:- How big is Planet Venus?
The diameter of Venus is around 12,104km making it the third smallest planet in our solar system; only Mars and Mercury are smaller. Pluto is also smaller, but it is categorized as a dwarf planet. The difference between the diameters of Venus and Earth is only 652 km.

Interesting Facts for Kids 7:- What is the weather like on Planet Venus?
The weather on Planet Venue can be described as mostly hot and windy. The temperature can rocket above 500 degrees and the wind can blow at speeds of 224 miles per hour. Planet Venus has an atmosphere that consists mainly of carbon dioxide and only a small amount of nitrogen and sulfuric acid. Similar to the green house effect, Venus is very hot as there is so much carbon dioxide keeping the heat in.

Interesting Facts for Kids 8:- What is the surface of Planet Venus like?
The surface temperature of Venus hardly changes due to the blanket of gas that surrounds the planet, keeping the heat in. The temperature on Venus is extremely hot, it can reach an incredible 860 degrees, making Venus the hottest planet in our solar system. . The lowest temperature experienced on Venus is around 55°C. Its surface can be described as solid, extremely dry and hot. The cloud coverage that surround the planet is very thick. One of the most interesting facts about Venus is that it is covered with mountains and volcanoes. Most of its surface is covered in old lava that has dried. The highest mountain on Venus is Maxwell Montes.

Interesting Facts for Kids 11:- What is the composition and structure of Planet Venus?
Venus is a terrestrial planet (rocky). Is a referred to as the Earth's "sister planet" as it is similar in size and mass. The core is metal, and even though Venus is a rocky planet, it is also very smooth. Like Earth, Venus has a core, mantle of liquid rock and a solid outer crust.

Interesting Facts for Kids 12:- Does Planet Venus have moons or rings?
Venus does not have any moons (satellites), and there are no rings surrounding the planet. Some of our solar system planets have lots of moons, not just one.

Interesting Facts for Kids 13:- Which space crafts have visited Planet Venus?
More than 20 different space crafts have visited Planet Venus between 1962 to present. The first space craft to land on Venue was NASA Mariner II. Due to the extreme temperature of the planet, each space craft has to work very quickly in order to gather data and send images back to Earth.

Interesting Facts for Kids 14:- Planet Venus Summary:
Planet Venus is the second closest planet to the Sun. It is located between Mercury and Earth with the Earth being its nearest planet. Venus has one of the fastest orbit of the Sun. The planet doesn't have any moons or rings, and its surface is bright as it is covered with volcanoes.

Interesting Facts for Kids:- Planet Venus Fact File:
Name: The name of the Planet Venus derived from the Roman God of love and beauty *** Other Names: Morning or Evening Star *** Size of Venus: 6th Smallest Solar System Planet *** Diameter: 12,104km *** Mass: 4.867E24 kg *** Color: Yellow and orange *** Distance of Venus from the Sun: 107 to 261 million kms *** Distance of Planet Venus from the Earth: 40 million kms *** Days to orbit the Sun: 225 Earth Days *** Orbit Speed: 126,077 kilometers per hour *** Surface Temperature of Venus: Varies from 55°C to 800°C plus *** Weather: No seasons *** Atmosphere: Atmosphere similar to Earth *** Satellites (Moons): None *** Number of Rings: None *** Composition / Structure: Core, mantle and crust *** Unique Characteristics: Slight axis tilt, extreme surface temperatures *** Solar System Location: Second closest to the Sun, located between Mercury and Earth *** Inner or Outer: Inner Planet along with Mercury, Earth and Mars

Interesting Planet Venus Facts for Kids

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