Discover the most amazing facts and information about Planet Neptune including its size, color, mass, weight, temperature, weather, location, distance from the Sun, orbit time, surface, structure and composition. Planet Neptune is the planet furthest from the Sun with the most extreme icy cold temperatures. This Planet has the same deep blue color all over.

As we look closely at the Solar System, we will find out the most important facts and information about the eight planets in our Solar System, in distance of their order from the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. With summaries and explanations, kids can learn the difference between a galaxy, the Milky Way and our Solar System, and begin to understand the size and structure of our amazing universe.

Interesting Facts about Planet Neptune for Kids:- Discover amazing Solar System facts with our summary of information about Planet Neptune for kids with key facts about its moons, Neptune. Did you know that Planet Neptune is the furthest planet from the Sun and is located next to Uranus? Did you know that this planet takes years to orbit the Sun? Did you know that Neptune has 13 known moons with faint rings surrounding its planet?

Interesting Facts about Planet Neptune for Kids:- Our Interesting Facts for Kids are formatted on free, printable Neptune fact sheets, free for school teachers and students. Discover the expanse of our incredible Solar System and its planets with our interesting Planet Neptune facts for kids.

Interesting Planet Neptune Facts for Kids

Planet Neptune Fact File for Kids:- Name Facts: The name Neptune derived from the Greek God of the Sea *** Other Names: Poseidon *** Size: Neptune is the 4th biggest planet in the solar system *** Diameter: 49,244 billion km *** Mass: 102.4E24kg *** Color: Neptune is blue *** Average Distance from Sun: 4.3 to 4.5 billion kms *** Distance from Earth: 2.7 billion kms *** Time to orbit the Sun: 165 Earth Years *** Orbit Speed: 19,720 kilometers per hour *** Surface Temperature: Varies from -218°C to 353°C *** Weather: Neptune experiences extreme weather patterns *** Atmosphere: Gas *** Satellites (Moons): 13 moons *** Number of Rings: Faint rings *** Composition / Structure: Neptune has a liquid core ***Unique Characteristics: Neptune has a slight axis tilt, extreme surface temperatures *** Solar System Location: Last Planet in our Solar System, furthest from the Sun *** Inner or Outer Planet: Inner gas giant

Interesting Facts for Kids 1:- Planet Neptune Definition:
The Planet Neptune is the last planet in our solar system. It is the planet furthest from the Sun with the most extreme icy temperatures. The color of Neptune is blue. The name of this planet derives from the Greek God of the Sea, Poseidon.

Interesting Facts for Kids 2:- How far is Planet Neptune from the Sun?
In order of distance from the Sun, the Planet Neptune is approximately 4.5 billion km. At its closest it orbits at approximately 4.4 billion kms and at its furthest, it is located at around 4.536 billion kms.

Interesting Facts for Kids 3:-
How far is Planet Neptune from the Earth?
The distance of Planet Neptune from Earth is approximately 4.3 billion km (2.9 billion miles). Its average distance from the Sun is 4.5 billion km which is a massive difference from the Earth's distance from the Sun simply because Neptune is located so far away.

Interesting Facts for Kids 4:- Where is Planet Neptune located?
Neptune is an outer planet as its orbit lies outside the asteroid belt, between the asteroid belt and the Sun. For this reason, planet Neptune is also categorized as a Jovian planet. In order of the solar system, it is located next to Uranus. It is the last planet in our solar system.

Interesting Facts for Kids 5:- How long does it take Planet Neptune to orbit the Sun?
It takes Planet Neptune approximately 165 Earth years to orbit the Sun. The speed of orbit is approximately 19,720 kilometers per hour (12,253 miles per hour). This planet revolves around the Sun far slower than any other planet as it is the furthest away.

Interesting Facts for Kids 6:- How big is Planet Neptune?
The diameter of Neptune is approximately 49,244km, it has the fourth largest diameter. Neptune has the third largest mass of all the planets in our solar system. Pluto is smaller than Neptune but this is now categorized as a dwarf planet. In comparison to Earth, it is around four times larger.

Interesting Facts for Kids 7:- What is the weather like on Planet Neptune?
Planet Neptune experiences the wildest and strongest weather conditions in all of our solar system. It has extreme high winds which are thought to be three times stronger than the ones on Planet Jupiter. There are active and visible weather patterns on this planet. The temperature on Neptune is extremely low.

Interesting Facts for Kids 8:- What is the surface of Planet Neptune like?
The surface temperature of Neptune is extremely low due to its distance from the Sun. The average temperature on Neptune is -353 degrees. The planet is a giant ice ball. However, the surface side which is the furthest from the Sun can reach extremely low temperatures of -218°C. The surface temperature is lower than any other planet in the solar system. Neptune's surface is not solid, like its closest planet Uranus. It is composed of ice and methane which creates the bold blue color. This planet is classed as one of the two ice giants in the solar system.

Interesting Facts for Kids 9:- What is the composition and structure of Planet Neptune?
Neptune is a Jovian planet. Neptune is made up from Helium and Hydrogen. Very much like the closest planet to it, Uranus, Planet Neptune is one big ice ball. It has no solid surface. The core is made from ice and water. The dark spots on it's outer surface are caused by storms and high winds.

Interesting Facts for Kids 10:- Does Planet Neptune have moons or rings?
Neptune has 13 known moons, the largest is Triton, which has active volcanoes on its surface. Nitrogen runs over the surface when it erupts. There are faint rings surrounding Neptune, these are made up of rock and dust, their thickness varies around the planet.

Interesting Facts for Kids 11:- Which space crafts have visited Planet Neptune?
Planet Neptune was discovered in 1846 by the Berlin Observatory, by astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle. However, the planet had already been mathematically predicted beforehand. The Voyager II did a fly by of the planet in 1989 but due to the type of structure and surface Neptune has, no spacecraft has been able to land on the planet.

Interesting Facts for Kids 12:- Planet Neptune Summary:
Neptune is the furthest planet from the Sun and is located next to Uranus. This planet has the lowest orbit of the Sun. It has thirteen known moons with faint rings surrounding it. This Planet is the same blue color all around.

Interesting Facts for Kids:- Planet Neptune Fact File:
Name: Derived from the Greek God of the Sea *** Other Names: Poseidon *** Size: Fourth largest in Solar System *** Diameter: 49,244 billion km *** Mass: 102.4E24kg *** Color: Blue *** Distance from Sun: 4.3 to 4.5 billion kms *** Distance from Earth: 2.7 billion kms *** Days to orbit the Sun: 165 Earth Years *** Speed of Orbit: 19,720 kilometers per hour *** Surface Temperature: Varies from -218°C to 353°C *** Weather: Extreme weather patterns *** Atmosphere: Gas *** Satellites or Moon(s): 13 moons *** Rings: Faint rings Composition and Structure: Liquid core *** Unique Characteristics: Slight axis tilt, extreme surface temperatures *** Solar System Location: Last Planet in our Solar System *** Inner or Outer Planet: Outer Planet, along with Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus

Interesting Planet Neptune Facts for Kids

Interesting Facts about Planet Neptune for Kids - Outer Planets of the Solar System – Interesting Facts about Neptune - Temperature - Weather - Size of Planet Neptune - Mass - Diameter - Planets of the Solar System Facts and Information - Facts and Information on Planet Neptune - Free Solar System Facts for Kids - Fast Facts - Stucture and Composition of Planet Neptune - Interesting Facts about Planets for Kids - Fun Solar System Facts and Info for Kids - Information - Planet Neptune Facts for Kids – Fact Sheets and Planet Info for Kids – Children – School – Interesting Planet Neptune Facts for Kids - Solar System Fact Guide - Planet Neptune Fact File