Discover the most amazing facts and information about Planet Mars on its size, color, mass, weight, temperature, weather, location, distance from the Sun, orbit time, surface, structure and composition. The Planet Mars is the second smallest planet in our solar system after Planet Mercury. It is the fourth planet from the Sun. The color of Mars is red. The name of this planet derives from the Roman God of War. It can be described as "The Red Planet" due to high iron oxide on the surface gives it it's red appearance.

On our journey of the Solar System, we will discover the most important information and facts that are known about the eight planets in our Solar System, in distance of their order from the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. With clear explanations of the difference between a galaxy, the Milky Way and our Solar System, kids can begin to understand the size and structure of our universe.

Interesting Facts about Planet Mars for Kids:- Discover amazing Solar System facts with our summary of information about Planet Mars for kids with key facts about its moons, Phobos and Deimos. Did you know that Planet Mars is the fourth closest planet to the Sun and is is located next to Earth? And that this planet has the one of fastest orbits of the Sun? Did you know that Mars has two moons but no rings? Did you know that the planet's red surface is caused by the presence of iron oxide?

Interesting Facts about Planet Mars for Kids:- Our Interesting Facts for Kids are formatted on printable Solar System fact sheets, free and readymade to print for school teachers and students. Discover the expanse of our amazing Solar System and its planets with our interesting Planet Mars facts for kids.

Interesting Planet Mars Facts for Kids

Planet Mars Fact File for Kids:- Name Facts: The name 'Mars' derives from the Roman God of War and Battle *** Other Names: Mars is also known as the Red Planet, Wandering Star, Red One *** Size: Mars is the 2nd Smallest Planet (Medium Size) *** Diameter: 6,794km (4,220 miles) *** Mass: 639E21 kg *** Color: Surface appears red *** Average Distance from Sun: 227.9 million km *** Distance from Earth: 56 million kms *** Days to orbit the Sun: Mars takes approximately 687 days to orbit the Sun *** Orbit Speed: 24.1km/sec (15 miles/sec) *** Surface: Rocky and cratered *** Average Surface Temperature: -63 Degrees Celsius (Varies from -195°C to 70°C) *** Weather: Mars *** Atmosphere: Very thin, composed of approximately 95% carbon dioxide *** Satellites (Moons): Two Moons called Phobos and Deimos *** Number of Rings: None *** Composition / Structure: Mars is composed of dense iron core, mantle of silicate rock, outer crust like Earth *** Unique Characteristics: Mars has a slight axis tilt and a red appearance due to the presence of iron oxide on the planet's surface *** Solar System Location: 4th planet from the Sun, positioned between the Earth and Jupiter *** Inner or Outer Planet: Mars is an Inner Planet along with Mercury, Venus and Earth

Interesting Facts for Kids 1:- Planet Mars Definition:
Mars can be described as being the most similar planet to Earth. It is the closest planet to Earth and its composition is alike. The color of Mars is red which is why it is sometimes nicknamed 'The Red Planet'. Mars is close enough to Earth to be visible by the naked eye, it is fairly easy to spot in the night sky as it has an obvious red tinge.

Interesting Facts for Kids 2:- How far is Planet Mars from the Sun?
In order of distance from the Sun, Mars is the fourth planet. At its closest, its perihelion distance is around 206.6 million km and at its furthest distance, its aphelion is approximately 249.2 million km. Therefore, the average distance being around 227.9 million km.

Interesting Facts for Kids 3:-
How far is Planet Mars from Earth?
The distance of Planet Mars from the Earth is around 225 million km. The exact distance varies considerably depending on the position of the planets. The farthest distance from Earth being approximately 401 million km and the closest 54.6 million km. Planet Mars is on a bigger axis than us here on Earth. It is about 25 degrees, where as Earth is 23.5 degrees.

Interesting Facts for Kids 4:- Where is Planet Mars located?
Mars is classed as both a terrestrial planet and an inner planet, as its orbit lies between the asteroid belt and the Sun. It located within our solar system, and is positioned between Earth and Jupiter. It is the closest planet to Earth and fourth closest to the Sun. Mars is the last terrestrial planet before the asteroid belt, where Jupiter becomes an outer planet.

Interesting Facts for Kids 5:- How long does it take Planet Mars to orbit the Sun?
It takes Planet Mars approximately 687 Earth days (1.8 Earth years) to orbit the Sun. The speed of orbit is approximately 86,871 kilometers per hour (53,979 miles per hour). Mars orbits the Sun a lot faster than the outer planets due to the distance they have to travel.

Interesting Facts for Kids 6:- How big is Planet Mars?
The diameter of Mars is approximately 6779km. The radius of the planet is around 3,390km. In order of size, this is the second smallest planet in our solar system. Only planet Mercury is smaller. Pluto is also smaller than Mercury and Mars but is now categorized as a dwarf planet. Mars has approximately half the diameter of Earth.

Interesting Facts for Kids 7:- What is the atmosphere like on Planet Mars?
The atmosphere on planet Mars is very thin, thinner than Earth's, and is composed of around 95% carbon dioxide.

Interesting Facts for Kids 8:- Why is Mars called the Red Planet?
Mars is known as the 'Red Planet' as it has a reddish appearance. This planet appears red due to the iron oxide found on its surface.

Interesting Facts for Kids 9:- What is the weather like on Planet Mars?
Mars experiences similar weather conditions to Earth, it has seasons, polar ice caps and weather patterns that can change on a hourly basis. The atmosphere on Planet Mars is approximately 100 times thinner than the Earth's but it is still dense enough to support a weather system that includes clouds and winds.

Interesting Facts for Kids 10:- What is the surface of Planet Mars like?
The surface temperature on Mars varies between -133 C to 27 C. Its surface can be described as rocky with heavily cratered areas, and has a red tinge caused by the presence of iron oxide. The surface temperature is dependent on season and the time of day, similar to the temperature balance we have on Planet Earth. It can reach up to 70 degrees on a very hot day but the lowest temperatures can fall as low as -195 degrees. Mars is on a 25 degree axis, the northern parts of the planet are more likely to experience colder conditions where as, the south has warmer weather depending on the orbit of the Sun. Planet Mars has a solid surface as it is terrestrial planet.

Interesting Facts for Kids 11:-Is there water on Planet Mars?
There has been much speculation about the possible presence of liquid water on planet Mars. Scientific research indicates that water once existed in liquid form, however, the climate on Mars is far drier than Earth's, too dry for water to exist when coupled with the fact that planet Mars has a very thin atmosphere. Water is present on Mars in a frozen state of ice.

Interesting Facts for Kids 12:- What is the composition and structure of Planet Mars?
The structure of Planet Mars is similar to Earth as it has an outer crust. Below the crust, the composition of Mars is made from rock hard mantle composed of silicate. The planet's core composes of dense iron metallic material. Its composition comprises of minerals, metals and other elements which normally make up rock. Planet Mars is very similar to Earth as it holds a core at the center of the planet which is surrounded by a soft mantle and crust.

Interesting Facts for Kids 13:- Does Planet Mars have moons or rings?
Mars has two moons, also referred to as satellites, which are unlike most other moons as they have irregular shapes. The names of Mars' moons are Phobos and Deimos. They are small moons which were discovered in 1877 by an astronomer called Asaph Hall.

Interesting Facts for Kids 14:-What was the first spacecraft landing on Planet Mars?
Mars and it's two moons receive great interest and have become a target of many spacecraft voyages. The first spacecraft landings on planet Mars occurred in 1971. The name of the first spacecraft to land on Mars was the Russian Mars 2 spacecraft.

Interesting Facts for Kids 15:- Planet Mars Summary:
Planet Mars is the 4th closest planet to the Sun and is located between Earth and the gas giant Jupiter. This planet in visible from Earth. It has two known moons captured by its gravity, their names are Phobos and Deimos. Mars is a terrestrial planet as it orbits lies between the Sun and the asteroid belt.

Interesting Facts for Kids:- Planet Mars Fact File:
Name: Derives from Roman God of War and Battle *** Other Names: Red Planet, Wandering Star, Red One *** Size: 2nd Smallest Planet (Medium Size) *** Diameter: 6,794km (4,220 miles) *** Mass: 639E21 kg *** Color: Red appearance *** Distance from Earth: 56 million kms *** Days to orbit the Sun: 687 *** Speed of Orbit: 24.1km/sec (15 miles/sec) *** Average Distance from the Sun: 227.9 million km *** Perihelion of Mars (closest): 206.6 million km *** Aphelion of Mars (furthest): 249.2 million km *** Surface Description: Rocky and cratered *** Average Surface Temperature: -63 Degrees Celsius *** Atmosphere: Very slight atmosphere *** Number of Satellites or Moon(s): Two - Phobos and Deimos *** Composition and Structure: Dense iron core, mantle of silicate rock, outer crust like Earth *** Unique Characteristics: Red appearance due to iron oxide on the planet's surface *** Solar Sytem Location: 4th planet from the Sun, located between the Earth and Jupiter *** Inner or Outer Planet: Inner

Interesting Planet Mars Facts for Kids

Interesting Facts about Planet Mars for Kids - Planets of the Solar System – Interesting Facts about Mars - Temperature - Weather - Size of Planet Mars - Mass - Diameter - Planets of the Solar System Facts and Information - Facts and Information on Planet Mars - Free Solar System Facts for Kids - Fast Facts - Stucture and Composition of Planet Mars - Interesting Facts about Planets for Kids - Fun Solar System Facts and Info for Kids - Information - Planet Mars Facts for Kids – Fact Sheets and Planet Info for Kids – Children – School – Interesting Planet Mars Facts for Kids - Solar System Fact Guide - Planet Mars Fact File