Discover the most amazing facts and information about Planet Jupiter including its color, mass, weight, size, weather, surface temperature, distance from the Sun, location, orbit time, formation, structure and composition. In order of distance from the Sun, the eight known planets of the solar system, beginning with the nearest first, are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Throughout our voyage of the Solar System, we will uncover the most important facts about the planets and their satellites. Our summaries will help kids to understand the formation of our solar system and its incredible traits and characteristics. Did you know that Jupiter has a dark red spot caused by raging storms? Did you know that the planet's composition is made up of 90% hydrogen?

Interesting Facts about Planet Jupiter for Kids:- Discover amazing Solar System facts with our summary of information about Planet Jupiter for kids with key facts about its moons, Jupiter. Did you know that Planet Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system? Do you know what defines a gas giant? Did you know that Jupiter has many moons / satellites? Did you know that this huge planet has the fastest day of all the planets and that it doesn't have any rings but has many moons captured in its gravity?

Interesting Facts about Planet Jupiter for Kids:- Our Interesting Facts for Kids are formatted on printable Jupiter fact sheets, free and readymade to print for school teachers and students. Discover the vastness of our awesome Solar System and its planets with our interesting facts about planet Jupiter for kids.

Interesting Planet Jupiter Facts for Kids

Planet Jupiter Fact File for Kids:- Name Facts: The name Jupiter derives from the Roman God of Zeus *** Size: Largest planet in solar system *** Diameter: 142,984km *** Mass: 1.898E27 kg *** Color: Varies from shades of white, red, orange, brown, and yellow *** Average Distance from Sun: 741 to 817 million kms *** Distance from Earth: 588 million kms *** Days to orbit the Sun: 4333 Earth days *** Orbit Speed: 30,000 miles per hour *** Surface Temperature: Varies from -128°C to -190°C *** Weather: Jupiter has no seasons *** Atmosphere: Jupiter has a huge atmosphere *** Satellites (Moons): Yes, 67 known moons to date *** Number of Rings: None *** Composition / Structure: 90% hydrogen and 10% helium *** Unique Characteristics: Raging storms resulting in visible deep red spot *** Solar System Location: 5th planet from Sun *** Inner or Outer Planet: Outer gas giant

Interesting Facts for Kids 1:- Planet Jupiter Definition:
Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It was named after the Roman God, representing Zeus, the God of thunder. The color of Jupiter changes depending on its weather conditions, it can appear a mix of white, red, orange, brown, and yellow. Jupiter rotates counter clockwise. It doesn't have a large axel tilt like many other planets.

Interesting Facts for Kids 2:- How far is Planet Jupiter from the Sun?
In order of distance from the Sun, the Planet Jupiter is approximately 778 million km (484 million miles). At its closest it orbits at approximately 741 million kms and at its furthest, it is located at around 817 million kms.

Interesting Facts for Kids 3:-
How far is Planet Jupiter from the Earth?
The distance of Planet Jupiter from Earth is approximately 588 million km. As both planets are travelling in space orbiting the Sun, the distance is changing all the time. The closest the planets would get to is 365 million km.

Interesting Facts for Kids 4:- Where is Planet Jupiter located?
Jupiter is an outer planet as its orbit lies on the outside of the asteroid belt, between itself and the Sun. For this reason, planet Jupiter is also categorized as a gas planet, and the largest one of the four. In order of the solar system, it is located between Mars and Saturn. The closest planet to Jupiter is Saturn, but only by a thin margin as Mars is incredibly close also.

Interesting Facts for Kids 5:- How long does it take Planet Jupiter to orbit the Sun?
It takes Planet Jupiter approximately 4333 Earth days to orbit the Sun, that is 12 Earth years. Jupiter has the shortest day of all the planets, 9 hours and 55 minutes due to its orbit speed which is approximately 47,051 kilometers per hour (30,000 miles).

Interesting Facts for Kids 6:- How big is Planet Jupiter?
The diameter of Jupiter is approximately 142,984km, and its mass is 2.5 bigger than all of the other planets. In order of size, this is the biggest recognized planet in our solar system, and the fifth from the Sun.

Interesting Facts for Kids 9:- What is the weather like on Planet Jupiter?
Jupiter has the largest atmosphere in our solar system. The atmosphere on Jupiter more or less takes up the entire planet. Jupiter is not on a very big axis like some of the other planets, so it does not experience weather seasons. It is believed that storms have raged on inside Jupiter for over 100 years. It has clouds surrounding the planet with incredibly high winds.

Interesting Facts for Kids 10:- What is the surface of Planet Jupiter like?
The surface of Jupiter is not solid, like the other gas giants it does not have a surface to land upon. The interior of the planet, it's core, is made up of crystals.  The surface temperature has a low temperature of -108°C. Looking at other outer planets, Jupiter has an increased temperature as it is the closest outer planet to the Sun and is the nearest to a terrestrial planet. The surface temperature doesn't differ in variation as Jupiter does not have a very high tilt. Its surface is not solid. There are gases on top of the planet, and closer to the core, gas and liquid are present.

Interesting Facts for Kids 11:- What is the composition and structure of Planet Jupiter?
Planet Jupiter is a gas planet, which means that unlike Earth, it would not cope with any life form. Jupiter is very similar to the other gas planets, it is made up from mainly Hydrogen (90%) and Helium (10%). There are icy clouds of gases swirling around the surface at high speed. It is marked with belts and bands which give Jupiter it distinctive appearance.

Interesting Facts for Kids 12:- Does Planet Jupiter have moons or rings?
Jupiter has 67 moons, which have been discovered to date, orbiting the planet. The four largest are most commonly known as the Galilean satellites. They are known as Ganymede, Io, Callisto and Europa.

Interesting Facts for Kids 13:- Which space crafts have visited Planet Jupiter?
The Galileo space craft from NASA dropped a probe onto Jupiter in December 1995. No space crafts have landed on the planet due to it's atmosphere and surface. Voyager I and II have done fly by's of the planet.

Interesting Facts for Kids 14:- Planet Jupiter Summary:
Planet Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It is very close to its neighboring planets of Mars and Saturn. Jupiter has the quickest day of all the planets. It doesn't have any rings but has many moons captured in its gravity.

Interesting Facts for Kids:- Planet Jupiter Fact File:
Name: Derived from the Roman God of Zeus *** Size: Jupiter is the largest Solar System Planet *** Diameter: 142,984km *** Mass: 1.898E27 kg *** Color: Varies from shades of white, red, orange, brown, and yellow *** Distance from Sun: 741 to 817 million kms *** Distance from Earth: 588 million kms *** Days to orbit the Sun: 4333 Earth Days *** Speed of Orbit: 30,000 miles per hour *** Surface Temperature: Varies from -128°C to -190°C *** Weather: Jupiter has no seasons *** Atmosphere: Huge atmosphere *** Satellites or Moon(s): Yes, 67 known to date *** Rings: None *** Composition and Structure: 90% Hydrogen *** Unique Characteristics: Jupiter has a dark red spot caused by raging storms *** Solar System Location: Jupiter is the 5th planet from the Sun, positioned next to Mars and Saturn *** Inner or Outer Planet: Jupiter is an outer Planet along with Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

Interesting Planet Jupiter Facts for Kids

Interesting Facts about Planet Jupiter for Kids - Gas Giants Planets of the Solar System – Interesting Facts about Jupiter - Temperature - Weather - Size of Planet Jupiter - Mass - Diameter - Planets of the Solar System Facts and Information - Facts and Information on Planet Jupiter - Free Solar System Facts for Kids - Fast Facts - Stucture and Composition of Planet Jupiter - Interesting Facts about Planets for Kids - Fun Solar System Facts and Info for Kids - Information - Planet Jupiter Facts for Kids – Fact Sheets and Planet Info for Kids – Children – School – Interesting Planet Jupiter Facts for Kids - Solar System Fact Guide - Planet Jupiter Fact File