Discover the most amazing facts and information about Planet Earth on its surface, structure and composition, temperature, weather, location, size, color, mass, weight, distance from the Sun and speed of orbit. Planet Earth is the third closest planet to the Sun and is is located next to Venus and Mars. This planet has the one of the fastest orbits of the Sun. The Moon is over 238,855 miles away from Earth and has an affect on our ocean tides that cover a large percentage of the outer layer, on which we live.

On our journey of the Solar System, we will discover the most important information and facts that are known about the eight planets in our Solar System, in distance of their order from the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. With clear explanations of the difference between a galaxy, the Milky Way and our Solar System, kids can begin to understand the size and structure of our universe.

Interesting Facts about Planet Earth for Kids:- Discover amazing Solar System facts with our summary of information about Planet Earth for kids with key facts about its moons, Earth. Did you know that the distance between planet Earth and the Sun varies depending on the time of year? Our planet is classed as an inner planet? We revolve around the Sun much faster than the outer planets? Did you know that around 71% of the Earth's surface consists of water?

Interesting Facts about Planet Earth for Kids:- Our Interesting Facts for Kids are formatted on printable planet Earth fact sheets, free and readymade for school teachers and children. Discover the planets of our solar system with our interesting facts about Earth for kids.

Interesting Planet Earth Facts for Kids

Planet Earth Fact File for Kids:- Name Facts: Earth is an English/German word meaning ground *** Other Names: The world *** Size: Earth is the 5th biggest planet in the solar system *** Diameter: 12,756km *** Mass: 5.972E24kg *** Color: Blue, white and green *** Average Distance from Sun: 147 to 152 million kms *** Distance from the Moon: 384,400 kms*** Days to orbit the Sun: 365 days *** Orbit Speed: 30,000km per hour *** Surface Temperature: Varies from -88°C to 58°C *** Weather: Has seasons  *** Atmosphere: Has an atmosphere surrounding the planet *** Satellites (Moons): One moon *** Number of Rings: None *** Composition / Structure: 82% mantle, crust layers ***Unique Characteristics: Slight axis tilt, hot rock flows within core *** Solar System Location: 3rd from the Sun, located between Venus and Mars *** Inner or Outer Planet: Inner

Interesting Facts for Kids 1:- Planet Earth Definition:
Planet Earth, our home planet, is the largest terrestrial planet out of the four: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Earth is the third planet from the Sun and its color is white, green and blue. Earth is the only planet name that hasn't derived from a Roman or Greek god.

Interesting Facts for Kids 2:- How far is Planet Earth from the Sun?
The approximate distance from the Earth to the Sun is 150 million km. At its closest, the plant orbits at around 147 million kms, and at its furthest, it is located at around 152 million kms. The distance between planet Earth and the Sun varies depending on the time of year. Earth is on an axis of 23.4 degrees, and when the Earth is at its closest point with the Sun, its northern hemisphere is in winter and its southern in the summer. Earth normally reaches it's closest point to the Sun in January.

Interesting Facts for Kids 3:-
How far is Planet Earth from the Moon?
The average distance between planet Earth and the Moon is approximately 384,400 km. This is known as the lunar distance and it can vary depending on its orbital position.

Interesting Facts for Kids 4:- Where is Planet Earth located?
Earth is classed as an inner planet because its orbit lies on the inner side of the asteroid belt, between the asteroid belt and the Sun. For this reason, planet Earth is also categorized as a terrestrial planet. In order of the solar system, it is located between Venus and Mars. The closest planet to Earth is in fact Venus.

Interesting Facts for Kids 5:- How long does it take Planet Earth to orbit the Sun?
It takes Planet Earth approximately 365 days to orbit the Sun. The speed of orbit is approximately 30,000 kilometers per hour (67,000 miles per hour). Our planet revolves around the Sun far quicker than the outer planets. A full turn on the axis is 24 hours.

Interesting Facts for Kids 6:- How big is Planet Earth?
The diameter of Earth is approximately 12,742km. Compared to Planet Earth, the Sun has a diameter 109 times larger. It is estimated that around 1,300,000 Planet Earth's could fit in the Sun. At the moment, scientists believe that only Planet Earth can support life, recent studies reveal that more than 4.6 billion people are estimated to live on our planet.

Interesting Facts for Kids 9:- What is the weather like on Planet Earth?
An atmosphere is created by the gases surrounding a planet. The atmosphere on Earth covers the entire planet. This blanket of air protects us from extreme temperatures and enables us to breathe. Planet Earth has four seasons which rotate throughout the 365 days per year. Depending on the season, the weather change and temperatures vary widely.

Interesting Facts for Kids 10:- What is the surface of Planet Earth like?
The surface temperature of Earth has drastic variations depending on season and the planet's distance from the Sun. The highest temperature recorded on Earth is 58°C, and the lowest temperature is -88°C. The variation in surface temperature allows life to exist on this planet. The surface of Earth is solid, and comprises of cooled lava from about 4.5 billion years ago, which formed a crust and made the surface very hard. Looking down on Earth, we can see that its surface looks like a marble, this is caused by its variations of land and sea.

Interesting Facts for Kids 11:- What is the composition and structure of Planet Earth?
Planet Earth is a terrestrial planet, it is a rocky planet too. In the center of planet Earth is a mantle, here, temperatures can rise so high that the rock flows hot. The solid rock layer between the crust and the mantle core is over 2,885 km thick. The mantle is 82% of the Earth's volume. The crust is the layer that life inhabits.

Interesting Facts for Kids 12:- Does Planet Earth have moons or rings?
Planet Earth has no rings. It has one moon which affects the ocean tides on the planet. The moon can be described as the Earth's natural satellite.

Interesting Facts for Kids 13:- Which space crafts have visited Planet Earth?
As we live upon this planet, we are interested and fascinated by other planets in our solar system and are creating ways to visit other planets to see if other life forms exist in the atmosphere.

Interesting Facts for Kids 14:- Planet Earth Summary:
Earth is the only planet in the Solar System where life is known to exist. There are four terrestrial planets in total of which Earth is the largest. Earth is the third planet from the Sun, it has one moon, no rings, and its colors are white, green and blue. Earth is the only planet name that doesn't originate from a Roman or Greek god.

Interesting Facts for Kids:- Planet Earth Fact File:
Name: Earth is an English/German word for ground *** Other Names: The Earth is also known as the World *** Size: Fifth Solar System Planet *** Diameter: 12,756km *** Mass: 5.972E24kg *** Color: The Earth is blue, white and green *** Distance from Sun: 147 to 152 million kms *** Distance from Moon: 384,400 kmsDays to orbit the Sun: 365 Days *** Speed of Orbit: 30,000 kilometers per hour *** Surface Temperature: Varies from -88°C to 58°C *** Weather: The Earth experiences different weather seasons *** Atmosphere: Earth has an atmosphere surrounding it *** Satellites or Moon(s): Earth has 1 moon *** Rings: None *** Composition and Structure: 82% mantle, crust layers *** Unique Characteristics: Earth has a slight axis tilt, hot rock flows within core *** Solar System Location: Third from the Sun, next to Venus and Mars *** Inner or Outer Planet: Earth is an Inner Planet along with Mercury, Venus and Mars

Interesting Planet Earth Facts for Kids

Interesting Facts about Planet Earth for Kids - Planets of the Solar System – Interesting Facts about Earth - Temperature - Weather - Size of Planet Earth - Mass - Diameter - Planets of the Solar System Facts and Information - Facts and Information on Planet Earth - Free Solar System Facts for Kids - Fast Facts - Stucture and Composition of Planet Earth - Interesting Facts about Planets for Kids - Fun Solar System Facts and Info for Kids - Information - Planet Earth Facts for Kids – Fact Sheets and Planet Info for Kids – Children – School – Interesting Planet Earth Facts for Kids - Solar System Fact Guide - Planet Earth Fact File