Discover interesting facts about the Tundra Biome with our list of important information for kids. Find out important facts about this particular biome which makes up approximately 23% of our Earth's surface and supplies one of the major carbon dioxide sinks on Earth - find out why the survival of tundra regions is vital to human existence and the future of our planet.

Factsmania has provided a printable list of facts about the Tundra Biome for kids with useful definitions and summaries about the most important factors of the Arctic biome which can be described as a treeless area located in the Northern Hemisphere encircling the North Pole and the world's alpine tundra biomes which exist in mountain regions of North America, South America, Canada, Asia, Europe and Africa.

Interesting Tundra Biome Facts for Kids:- Learn key facts and interesting information about tundra biomes including where they are located, what the climate and vegetation is like, why they are classed as ecosystems and how a tundra biome is classified, what animal and plant species are present within Arctic and alpine regions and how they manage to survive harsh climates with low temperatures and limited vegetation.

Interesting Tundra Biome Facts for Kids:- Our free facts for kids are ideal as a printable guide or fun fact sheet for teachers and children. Factsmania is working hard to complete their a-z encyclopedia of facts and information for school kids. Please refer to our home page for a list of interesting subjects and printable fact sheets.

Interesting Facts about Tundra Biomes for Kids

Interesting Facts for Kids 1:- What is a tundra biome?
Tundra biome definition: Vast, treeless area where the climate, and in particular, low temperatures, hinders vegetation, therefore, preventing the growth of trees. A biome can be described as a naturally occurring community which occupies a major ecosystem of living organisms; plants and animals which have cleverly evolved and adapted to their habitat/environment.

Interesting Facts for Kids 2:- What are the characteristics of a tundra biome?
The main characteristics of a tundra biome are defined by extremely cold temperatures, drying winds and low precipitation which determine the overall vegetation. Tundra regions typically experiences harsh climates which result in poor growing conditions due to shallow soils and permafrost close to the surface. Various plant and animal life exist in the tundra biome, just not in abundance.

Interesting Facts for Kids 3:- How many types of tundra biomes are there?
There are two main types of tundra biomes which can be classified as either Alpine and Arctic tundra. Some small Antarctic tundra biomes also exist, however, they are subject to extreme weather conditions such as cold temperatures, snow and ice which prevent the formation of a fully functional biome.

Interesting Facts for Kids 4:- Where is the Arctic Tundra Biome located?
The Arctic Tundra Biome is located in the Northern Hemisphere at latitudes 55 to 70 degrees North. It consists of a huge, vast, treeless area that encircles the North Pole and is located north of the Taiga forest.

Interesting Facts for Kids 5:- What is the climate like in the Arctic Tundra Biome?
The Arctic Tundra Biome experiences two main seasons, summer and winter, with an average annual temperature of -18 degrees  Fahrenheit (-28 Celsius). During the cold and dark winter months, daylight hours are scarce and the extreme cold temperatures have been known to drop to -94 degrees Fahrenheit (-70 Celsius). During the summer months in the Arctic biome, temperatures typically vary between 37 - 54 Fahrenheit (3 - 12 Celsius). The Arctic is subject to low levels of precipitation with the average annual snowfall, as opposed to rainfall, being between 200 - 500mm.  Constant high winds also add to the biome's severely dry conditions with wind speeds reaching 30 - 60 miles per hour (48 - 97 km).

Interesting Facts for Kids 6:- Where are Alpine Tundra Biomes located?
There are naturally occurring alpine tundra regions across the world, predominantly found in mountainous areas of North America, South America, Canada, Asia, Europe and Africa above the timberline at an altitude of 10,000 feet or above. The timberline can be descried as the treeline which defines the boundaries beyond which trees are able to grow (the maximum limit of tree growth).

Interesting Facts for Kids 7:- What is the climate like in the Alpine Tundra Biome?
The climate can vary in alpine tundra regions as they're typically situated within mountainous areas with altitudes beyond 10,000 feet. Due to highly elevated positions with closer proximity to sunlight, the temperatures can vary significantly depending upon cloud coverage. The clouds define shaded and non-shaded areas and each passing cloud can signify a rapid change in temperature. Alpine tundra biomes are often subject to extreme winds and dense fog, the average rainfall is also determined by the elevation of the alpine region.

Interesting Facts for Kids 8:- How much of the Earth's surface is covered by tundra biomes?
Approximately 23% of the Earth's surface is covered with tundra regions. The Arctic biome alone makes up around 20% of the planet's surface - that's one fifth of the Earth's surface! The Arctic Tundra Biome is much bigger than Alpine tundra areas which make up only 3% of the entire surface.

Interesting Facts for Kids 9:- Why is the Tundra Biome an ecosystem?
The tundra biome can be described as an ecosystem because it incorporates a functioning system of plant and animal species that exist and survive within its formation and environment. Despite poor climate conditions, limited vegetation and very low temperatures which dominate the Arctic Tundra Biome and Alpine regions, many types of animals and plants are able to adapt to their given habitat in order to survive.

Interesting Facts for Kids 10:- What type of animals live in the Tundra Biome?
There are less than 50 species of land mammals present in the Tundra Biome. The types of animals found in these regions include foxes, bears, deer, caribou, wolves, hares, rabbits and rodents. Lemmings provide one of the most important parts of the food chain in the Arctic Biome as many animals are able to feed off these small rodents. There are many species of birds found living in these regions including the snowy owl, plovers, sandpipers, brant, geese and duck; seasonal migration is common in the Tundra Biome.

Interesting Facts for Kids 11:- What is the vegetation like in the Arctic Tundra Biome?
The Arctic Tundra Biome is subject to a short growing season which lasts for approximately 50 days or less, for many plant species, one growth season is simply not long enough to complete their life cycle. The summer temperatures experienced in the Arctic Tundra Biome average at around 3-12 degrees Celsius (37-54 Fahrenheit). The overall climate allows for the existence of approximately 1,700 plant species, generally types of mosses, lichens, sedges, grasses, low shrubs and perennial forbs which are able to withstand cold temperatures, low levels of light, strong winds and poor soil conditions.

Interesting Facts for Kids 12:- What is the vegetation like in the Alpine Tundra Biome?
The Alpine Tundra biomes are subject to extreme temperature changes and severe climate conditions which limit the overall vegetation. There are approximately 200 plant species found in the Alpines including various perennial groundcover plants and shrubs. The majority of alpine tundra regions are situated in elevated positions within mountainous areas, therefore, receiving reduced CO2 which plants require for survival. Some species of plants are able to survive the conditions of the biome as they manage to adapt to cold temperatures, poor soil, and extreme winds.

Interesting Facts for Kids 13:- Why is it difficult for plants to grow in the Arctic Biome?
The Arctic Tundra Biome experiences continual permafrost which limits the growth of plants. During the summer months, the permafrost thaws just enough to allow plants to grow. The subsoil, located beneath the permafrost, is unable to absorb water as it is permanently frozen. During the summer season, such areas turn into marshes and lakes.

Interesting Facts for Kids 14:- What is the largest tundra biome in the world?
The world's largest tundra biome is the Arctic Tundra which makes up around one fifth of the Earth's surface in total!

Interesting Facts for Kids 15:- Why is the tundra biome important?
The Tundra Biome is very important as it provides one of the three major carbon dioxide sinks on Earth. A carbon dioxide sink can be described as a biomass; the tundra biome is formed naturally and provides a renewable source of energy. In simple terms, this means that the biome absorbs more carbon dioxide than it releases. In tundra regions, plants are able to retain the carbon dioxide which they absorbed during photosynthesis for longer as they do not decompose easily due to poor weather conditions and extreme temperatures. The survival of the Tundra Biome is vital to the future of our planet.

Interesting Facts for Kids 16:- What is tundra destruction?
Tundra destruction can be described as the damage caused to the Earth's tundra regions, caused mainly by global warming which is sadly destroying areas of the tundra every year. Global warming is causing the permafrost to melt, which in turn allows plant life to decompose quicker, resulting in carbon dioxide being released back into the planet's atmosphere as opposed to the plants usual cycle where carbon dioxide is retained and thus, allow the biome to form one of the Earth's major carbon dioxide sinks.

Interesting Facts for Kids 17:- Where does the name Tundra originate?
The name 'tundra' derives from the Finnish word 'tunturia'. The meaning of 'tunturia' is treeless plain. The term was originally used to describe barren areas of northern Finland before later becoming a name commonly used to describe similar treeless landscapes in regions of North America and northern Eurasia.

Interesting Facts for Kids 18:-  When was the Arctic Tundra Biome formed?
The Arctic Tundra was formed around 10,000 years ago. Although this might seem like a long time ago, it is in fact the youngest biome in the world, as well as the driest and coldest type of biome on Earth.

Interesting Facts for Kids 19:- What is the food chain like in the Tundra Biome?
There are less animal species found living in the Tundra Biome than most other types of biomes such as forests, grasslands, deserts and marine areas. This is because harsh climate conditions determine poor vegetation and a limited supply of food. The food chain in the Tundra Biome is short and under constant threat of becoming even shorter; it only takes one species of animal to become extinct from the biome to have a huge impact on the overall food web. Small rodents such as lemmings are a key factor in the food web, particularly in the Arctic Biome as many animals are able to feed off them.

Interesting Facts for Kids 20:- What is the temperature like in the Arctic Tundra Biome?
The Arctic Tundra Biome is subject to average annual temperatures of -18 Fahrenheit (-28 degrees Celsius). It is very cold, particularly during the winter months when darkness can occur for most of the day and temperatures can reach -94 Fahrenheit (-70 degrees Celsius). The temperature does increase during the summer season but still remains cold at around 37 - 54 degrees  Fahrenheit (3 - 12 degrees  Celsius).

Interesting Tundra Biome Facts for Kids

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