Interesting Greece Facts

Greece is a coastal country located in Southern Europe where it is bordered by Albania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Macedonia, the Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea, Cretan Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. It stretches across 131,957 km2 of land. The estimated overall population of Greece is over 11,159,773.

Check out interesting Greece facts and information about this European country with our fact file for kids. Discover important facts about the population, location, size, climate, currency, flag, continent, language, people, culture, geography, landscape and landmarks of Greece.

Find out important information about Europe with our interesting Greece facts for kids based on questions such as: What continent is Greece in? What is the main language of Greece? What are the major cities of Greece? What is the culture of Greece like? What is the geography of Greece like?

Greece Fact File: Continent: Europe * Country Name(s): Greece, Hellenic Republic * Location: Southern Europe * Bordering: Albania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Macedonia, the Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea, Cretan Sea and the Mediterranean Sea * Capital City: Athens * Size: 131,957 km2 * Estimated Population: over 11,159,773 * Currency: Euro (EUR) * Language(s): Greek * Country Code: +30

Interesting Greece Facts for Kids

Interesting Facts for Kids 1: Size & location facts
Greece is located on the continent of Europe, where it has a coastal position and is bordered by Albania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Macedonia, the Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea, Cretan Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. There are seven continents in the world: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Antarctica, Australia (Oceania). Europe is the second smallest continent in the world, it has 51 countries, with some countries belonging to both Europe and Asia, stretches across a total area size of 10,180,000 km2 and forms 6.8% of the landmass of the world. Greece is a coastal country that covers a total area of approximately 131,957 km2. It is is a small to medium European country that is located majorly on the continent's mainland. Greece has numerous islands belonging to it of which in excess of 225 islands are in fact inhabited.

Interesting Facts for Kids 2: Population facts
The population of this European country is in excess of 11,159,773 people. The majority of Greece's inhabitants reside in Athens which is the country's most populous city. Greece has a fairly high population when compared to most other countries across the world, its overall population density is approximately 82 people per sq km. The estimated population of Europe is approximately 738,442,000 inhabitants, making it the continent with the second smallest population in the world. The continents in order of population, starting with highest population first, are: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Australia (Oceania Region) and Antarctica. The total population of the entire world is in excess of 7.6 billion people.

Interesting Facts for Kids 3: Capital & major cities
The capital city of Greece is Athens. Other major cities located in this country include Thessaloniki, Pátrai, Piraeus, Larissa and Peristeri.

Interesting Facts for Kids 4: Country borders
The following information provides a guideline to the approximate border lengths of Greece:
Coastline 13,676 km, Albania 212 km, Bulgaria 472 km, Macedonia 234 km, Turkey 192 km.

Interesting Facts for Kids 5: Climate and geography facts
Greece has a temperate climate characterized by dry, hot summers and mild, rainy winters. The geography of Greece comprises majorly of mountainous regions on both its mainland and archipelago of over 2000 islands. Some of the mountain ranges found throughout Greece are covered in rich forests. Some of the most beautiful beaches can be found along the coast of the Greek mainland and many of its islands. Crete is located in the Aegean Sea, it is the most mountainous and largest island belonging to Greece. The lowest point of Greece is the Mediterranean Sea at 0m, and the highest point of elevation is Mount Olympus at 2,917m.

Interesting Facts for Kids 6: Natural Resources of Greece
Natural resources can be defined as materials and substances that occur naturally on Earth. Natural resources are very important across the world, and can be exploited for economic gain. An individual country's natural resources can depend on many factors including the climate, geography and location. Some countries, such as Russia, The United States, Saudi Arabia and Canada, are rich with natural resources, where as others have practically none. Food, construction and transport are three primary examples of uses of natural resources. The following information provides examples of these uses: fish occurs naturally in streams, rivers, lakes and oceans, and can be caught for food consumption. Wood/timber can be extracted from forests for construction purposes, i.e. to build homes and furniture. Crude oils can be refined into different kinds of fuels in order to power vehicles/cars. The natural resources found in Greece include lignite, petroleum, iron ore, bauxite, zinc, lead, nickel, magnesite, marble, salt and hydropower (water power) potential.

Interesting Facts for Kids 7: Language facts
The official language of Greece is Greek, which is spoken by the majority of the population. A small percentage of the population speak other languages as their primary form of communication, such languages include French and English.

Interesting Facts for Kids 8: Religion facts
The primary religion of Greece is Greek Orthodox at approximately 98% of the population. The rest of the population either belongs to other religions or no religion at all.

Interesting Facts for Kids 9: Symbols of Greece
Each country has its own individual culture, history and identity. Flags, emblems, symbols, colors, anthems, songs and mottos represent the national pride and identity of countries across the globe. These national symbols are created through the unique history of a nation and can portray both hardship and prosperity, embodying freedom, strength and unity. Flags, emblems, songs, mottos and colors reflect the past, present and future hopes of a country, and create an important image to the rest of the world. National symbols can include a mixture of things that are symbolic to a country such as animals, birds, flowers, trees, geographical features, tools of agriculture, crops, and tools of war. Here are some important facts on the symbols, songs and colors of Greece:

  • National symbol(s): Greek cross (white cross on blue field, arms equal length)

  • National colors: blue and white

  • National Anthem/Song: Ymnos eis tin Eleftherian (Translation: Hymn to Liberty)

  • National Holiday(s): Independence Day, 25 March (1821)

  • National Motto(s): Eleftheria i thanatos (Translation: Freedom or Death)

Interesting Greece Facts for Kids

Interesting Greece Facts - Greece Culture Facts - Food - Climate – Greece Facts And Information - Map - Geography - Greece Europe Facts - Location - Facts on Greece For Kids - Basic Greece Country Facts Flag - Population - Cool Facts - Language - Capital of Greece - Cities - Size - Fun Facts about Greece