The Black Rock Desert Biome is located in Nevada in the United States and spans a huge area of approximately 2.600 square kilometres (1000 square miles). With fluctuating temperatures, strong winds and harsh climate conditions, the Black Rock Desert's plant life and animals have learnt to adapt in order to develop and survive.

Factsmania has compiled a printable Black Rock Desert fact sheet covering the most important and interesting facts about the Black Rock Desert for kids with key information and facts about this North American biome's animals, birds, plants, weather, temperature, precipitation, climate conditions, vegetation, formation, size and location.

Interesting Black Rock Desert Facts for Kids:- Our printable Black Rock Desert facts sheet provides important facts and information for school kids and teachers. Our list of fun facts about the Black Rock Desert are ideal for homework help or as a useful information guide to one of North America's deserts. Did you know that the Burning Man festival takes place at the Black Rock Playa each year? Did you know that the Black Rock Desert experiences extreme temperature change? Did you know that the term 'desertification' can be defined as the process by which fertile land becomes desert? Discover usual facts about the Black Rock Desert including info about events and land speed record attempts that have taken place on the flat landscape of the desert's playa.

Interesting Black Rock Desert Facts for Kids:- Our free list of Interesting Black Rock Desert Biome Facts for Kids is easy to print and includes important facts about the Black Rock Desert such as how it was formed, why it is important, why the Black Rock Desert is classed as a biome, how many kilometres the Black Rock Desert covers, which American states the Black Rock Desert is located in, what the climate is like, how hot the Black Rock Desert is, what type of plants grow in the Black Rock Desert and which type of animals can survive its extreme temperatures, sparse vegetation and lack of water?

Interesting Black Rock Desert Facts for Kids

Black Rock Desert Fact File for Kids:- Location Facts: The Black Rock Desert is located in North America in the Nevada State *** Size: The Black Rock Desert is approximately 2.600 square kilometres (1000 square miles) *** Black Rock Desert Annual Rainfall Facts: 7.90 inches (200mm) average rainfall *** Classification: Semi-arid Desert Biome ***

Interesting Facts for Kids 1:- Where is the Black Rock Desert located?
The Black Rock Desert is located on the continent of North America. It spreads along the state of Nevada and forms part of the north-western Great Basin section. The nearest city is Gerlach, Nevada. Three counties of Nevada intersect in the Black Rock Desert: Pershing, Humboldt and Washoe. The Black Rock Desert is bordered by the Jackson Mountains in the east and the Calico Hills in the west and it is often used to name the desert’s playa, which is very popular. The Black Rock Desert is bordered by the Warner Mountains in the north-west and the Columbia Plateau in the north. Near the location of the Black Rock Desert biome, you can find Pyramid Lake. The Mojave Desert is situated south of the Black Rock Desert.

Interesting Facts for Kids 2:- What is the temperature in the Black Rock Desert?
The temperature of the Black Rock Desert varies between day and night, or seasons. Although the average maximum temperature in the Black Rock Desert is a decent 66.0 degrees Fahrenheit (19 degrees Celsius), the temperature often reaches more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius). The minimum average temperature is 38.1 degrees Fahrenheit (3 degrees Celsius). The temperature in the Black Rock Desert can change significantly from extremely hot daytime temperatures to almost freezing temperatures during night time hours.

Interesting Facts for Kids 3:- Black Rock Desert Highest Temperature Facts
The hottest month in the Black Rock Desert is supposed to be July, where the maximum average temperature is 92.4 degrees Fahrenheit (33.5 degrees Celsius). In the summer time, the evening temperature typically stays below 45 degrees Fahrenheit, and reaches over 110 degrees Fahrenheit during the day.

Interesting Facts for Kids 4:- What is the climate of the Black Rock Desert?
The climate of the Black Rock Desert is not typically the kind of climate we might expect in a desert biome. While a desert is defined as an area low on precipitation (lower than 10 inches per year) and high on evaporation (due to strong winds, high irradiation and hot temperatures), the Black Rock Desert is a cold desert which is characterized by relatively low average temperatures and snow precipitations. During the summer, the Black Rock Desert is a hot, semi-arid place, with no sign of vegetation or animals. In winter, the desert temporarily becomes a lake, which is frozen most of the time.

Interesting Facts for Kids 5:- How big is the Black Rock Desert?
The Black Rock Desert covers an area of approximately 2.600 square kilometres (1000 square miles) and occurs throughout three regions of Nevada including Pershing, Humboldt and Washoe. These 2.600 square kilometres incorporate 1.270 square kilometres wilderness (north-east), 520 square kilometres playa (south-west), 260 square kilometres between playa and wilderness, 260 square kilometres central branch and another 260 square kilometres of perimeter (such as canyons etc.)

Interesting Facts for Kids 6:- Black Rock Desert Rainfall
The Black Rock Desert receives an average annual precipitation of 7.90 inches (200mm). The precipitation is not typically caused solely by rain as the Black Rock Desert can also experience snowfall. During summer, there are thunderstorms, but the water dries up really quickly. In the winter, the snow covers the lake bed from the Black Rock Desert and it freezes.

Interesting Facts for Kids 7:- What animals live in the Black Rock Desert?
The Black Rock Desert is home to many species of animals including birds and mammals. There are a big number of bird species living here as well as many mammals including mustangs, bobcats, mountain lions, marmots, squirrels, desert chipmunks, kangaroo rats, mountain goats, Jack and Cottontail rabbits and pronghorn antelopes. The Black Rock Desert is also home to many types of reptiles. There are numerous species of lizards and snakes, such as the Great Basin Rattlesnake. You can also find several species of tarantulas and scorpions.

Interesting Facts for Kids 8:- What birds live in the Black Rock Desert?
There are many bird species found living in the Black Rock Desert including goshawks, kestrels, bald eagles, red tails hawks, Golden Eagle, Northern Pygmy Owl, Ground Owl, Great Horned Owl, chucker, sage-hen, nightjar, mud hen and flycatchers.

Interesting Facts for Kids 9:-  How do Black Rock Desert animals survive?
Animals living in the Black Rock Desert have to adapt in order to survive. Each of the animals living in the Black Rock Desert has found a way to deal with the high temperatures, or the lack of water. For example, desert owls are mainly nocturnal animals. Their activity resumes mainly when the temperature is low so they avoid overheating. During hot daytime hours, desert owls can flap extra skin found on their necks in order to cool down.

Interesting Facts for Kids 10:-  Black Rock Desert bird adaptations
Many types of bird are able to survive in the Black Rock Desert. Birds use their feet to cool down through blood vessels dilation. Vultures have another interesting adaption. Taking into consideration that they use their feet to cool down, there are times when vultures urinate on their legs. The temperature reduces in their feet and their overall body temperature starts to cool down from their now-cooled legs.

Interesting Facts for Kids 11:- Black Rock Desert Jackrabbit
Although the name says 'rabbit', the Jackrabbit is actually a hare, born fully covered in fur. Because they live in harsh conditions like the Black Rock Desert Biome, these animals develop many features in order to stay alive. One of the Jackrabbit's best adaptations is their long ears which are covered in a thin skin full of blood vessels. When the Jackrabbit's temperature rises, his blood flow is controlled through the blood-vessels in the ears. During this process the temperature drops, and the Jackrabbit cools off. The Jackrabbit's feet are also adapted to survive the hot soil found in the Black Rock Desert. Their feet are covered in fur which prevents them from burning. The rest of the fur serves as a perfect camouflage and because of the silver tan color of the Jackrabbit, it does not capture as much heat as a dark fur coat would do.

Interesting Facts for Kids 12:- How do Jackrabbits survive in the Black Rock Desert?
Water is an essential element in staying alive. The water resources are fewer in the Black Rock Desert but the Jackrabbit managed to find a way to deal with this. Most of the water intake comes from the food it consumes, typically leaves, grasses, cacti or twigs. After they digest their food, the Jackrabbit tend to eat their feces in order to keep themselves hydrated. The Jackrabbit is mostly a nocturnal animal. During high daytime temperatures, it tends to stay put in shaded areas amongst weeds, tall grasses or shallow burrows.

Interesting Facts for Kids 13:-  Black Rock Desert unusual facts
There are many unusual and interesting facts about this North American Desert such as the Black Rock Desert Playa hosts numerous land speed record attempts and amateur rocketry launching attempts. The Black Rock Desert has a gypsum mine and a drywall manufacturing plant. In 2008, the Hycroft Gold Mine was reopened. There is also an opal mine near the Calico Hills, on the west side of the Black Rock Desert.

Interesting Facts for Kids 14:-Black Rock Desert Burning Man
The Black Rock Desert hosts a famous annual festival called the Burning Man. It is an unconventional art festival which takes place in Black Rock City. This urban location exists only for a week during the festival. The volunteers build up police stations, emergency hospitals, and post-offices. After the festival is over, they dismantle the city, and anything that can be put on fire is burnt down.

Interesting Facts for Kids 15:- Black Rock Desert food chain facts
The Black Rock Desert food web has three chains. At the top of the food chain, there are big mammals that hunt down and eat small mammals or rodents. Small mammals and rodents eat insects and plants. At the top of another food chain are the owls which attack small animals, small birds and insects. The eagles have a similar food web to the owls, where they also eat reptiles as well as small animals and insects.

Interesting Facts for Kids 16:- Black Rock Desert landscape and vegetation facts
The formation of the Black Rock Desert consists mainly of lava beds and playa, or alkali flats. The landscape is rich in Permian volcanic rocks. 70 million years ago, the Great Basin was the home of the Lahotan Lake. Now, after the disappearance of the lake, only the lake bed remains, which is formed mostly of mud. In spring, when precipitation is high, the Black Rock Desert plants are blooming. Despite the environment, it is not so hard for plants and vegetation to grow in the Black Rock Desert because the soil, even though it is dry, is rich with nutrients which allows plant life exist and survive.

Interesting Facts for Kids 17:-  What plants grow in the Black Rock Desert?
Many species of plant life can be found growing in the Black Rock Desert including trees, shrubs, cacti, herbs and grasses. Some of the most popular Black Rock Desert plant names include sagebrush, bitterbrush, rabbit brush, yellow willow, chokecherry, Fremont cottonwood, buffalo-berry. You may also find some species of salt bush and salt grass. On higher parts of the Black Rock Desert, the Utah and Western Juniper, Jeffrey Pine and Incense Cedar can be found.

Interesting Facts for Kids 18:- Black Rock Desert plant adaptations and facts
The plants of the Black Rock Desert have to adapt to its harsh climate and extreme temperatures. Some of the plants modify their leaves so they get smaller. Others change their color into a grey shade. Many of desert plants replace their leaves with thorns in order to reduce transpiration. Plants that grow and survive in the Black Rock Desert have succulent roots and the ability to store water in their stems. They grow spines for shade and retain moisture through a waxy skin.

Interesting Black Rock Desert Facts for Kids

Interesting Black Rock Desert Facts for Kids - Fun Facts about the Black Rock Desert - Interesting Facts about the Black Rock Desert for Kids - North America Black Rock Desert Facts for Kids - Plants and Animals - Nevada Black Rock Desert Facts for Kids - Interesting Facts and Information - Facts about the Black Rock Desert in North America - Interesting Facts for Kids - Fast - Interesting Black Rock Desert Facts for Kids - Interesting Facts and Info about the Black Rock Desert for Kids - Strange - Fact Sheets on the Black Rock Desert for Kids – Interesting Facts for Children – Interesting Facts about the Black Rock Desert for Kids - Fact Guide – Interesting Fact File – Black Rock Desert Facts for Kids - Kids Facts about the Black Rock Desert – Fun Facts for Kids on the Black Rock Desert – Random Facts for Kids – Summary – Interesting Facts about the Black Rock Desert for Kids