Interesting Malaysia Facts

Malaysia is a coastal country located in South-Eastern Asia where it is bordered by Brunei, Indonesia, Thailand, the Celebes Sea, Gulf of Thailand, Singapore Strait, South China Sea, Strait of Malacca and Sulu Sea. It occupies 330,803 km2 of land. The overall population of Malaysia is in excess of 31,624,264.

Check out interesting Malaysia facts and information about this Asian country with our fact file for kids. Explore important facts about the climate, currency, flag, continent, geography, landscape, language, people, culture, landmarks, population, location and size of Malaysia.

Journey through Asia with our interesting Malaysia facts for kids based on questions such as: What continent is Malaysia in? What is the main language of Malaysia? What is the geography of Malaysia like? What is the culture of Malaysia like? What famous landmarks are there in Malaysia?

Malaysia Fact File: Continent: Asia * Country Name(s): Malaysia * Location: South-Eastern Asia * Bordering: Brunei, Indonesia, Thailand, the Celebes Sea, Gulf of Thailand, Singapore Strait, South China Sea, Strait of Malacca and Sulu Sea * Capital City: Kuala Lumpur * Size: 330,803 km2 * Estimated Population: over 31,624,264 * Currency: Malaysian ringgit (MYR) * Language(s): Malaysian * Country Code: +60

Interesting Malaysia Facts for Kids

Interesting Facts for Kids 1: Size & location facts
Malaysia forms part of the continent of Asia, where it has a coastal position and is bordered by Brunei, Indonesia, Thailand, the Celebes Sea, Gulf of Thailand, Singapore Strait, South China Sea, Strait of Malacca and Sulu Sea. There are seven continents in the world: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Antarctica, Australia (Oceania). Asia is the world's largest continent, occupying a total area of 43,820,000 km2. Asia has 48 countries, with some countries belonging to both Asia and Europe, and forms 29.5% of the world's landmass. Malaysia is a coastal country that stretches over a total area of approximately 330,803 km2. It is of average area size when compared to other Asian countries. Malaysia is only slightly smaller than Vietnam.

Interesting Facts for Kids 2: Population facts
The population of this Asian country is in excess of 31,624,264 people. The majority of Malaysia's inhabitants reside in Kuala Lumpur which is the country's most populous city. Malaysia has a fairly high population when compared to most other countries across the world, its overall population density is approximately 83 people per sq km. The estimated population of Asia is approximately 4,393,296,000 inhabitants, making it the continent with the largest population in the world. The continents in order of population, starting with highest population first, are: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Australia (Oceania Region) and Antarctica. The total population of the entire world is in excess of 7.6 billion people.

Interesting Facts for Kids 3: Capital & major cities
The capital city of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur. Other major cities located in this country include Kota Bharu, Klang, Kampung Baru Subang, Johor Bahru and Ipoh.

Interesting Facts for Kids 4: Country borders
The following details provide a guide to Malaysia's approximate border lengths:
Coastline 4,675 km, Brunei 266 km, Indonesia 1,881 km, Thailand 595 km.

Interesting Facts for Kids 5: Climate and geography facts
Malaysia has an equatorial, tropical climate that is characterized by hot and humid conditions. Monsoons occur in the southwest from April to October, and the northeast from October to February. The geography of Malaysia is characterized by moutainous regions, coastal plains and hilly areas. The lowest point of Malaysia is the Indian Ocean at 0m, and the highest point of elevation is Gunung Kinabalu at 4,095m.

Interesting Facts for Kids 6: Natural Resources of Malaysia
Natural resources can be described as materials and substances found naturally occurring on Earth. Natural resources are very important across the world, and can be exploited for economic gain. The level of resources that occur naturally in an individual country are influenced by varying factors such as the geography, climate and location of that country. Some countries are very rich in natural resources, where as others have limited to none. Countries that have particularly rich resources include Russia, The United States, Saudi Arabia and Canada. Three of the primary uses of natural resources are food, transport and construction. The following examples provide information on the everyday uses of natural resources: Fish occurs naturally in many bodies of water and can be caught for food consumption. Crude oils can be refined into various fuels in order to power vehicles/cars. Wood/timber can be extracted from forests and used to construct houses and furniture. The natural resources of Malaysia include tin, petroleum, timber, iron ore, copper, natural gas and bauxite.

Interesting Facts for Kids 7: Language facts
The official language of Malaysia is Bahasa Malaysia. Other languages that are spoken in this country include English, Chinese languages, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Thai and Panjabi.

Interesting Facts for Kids 8: Religion facts
The primary religion of Malaysia is Muslim at approximately 61% of the population. People belonging to the Islamic religion worship Allah. In the English language, the word Allah refers to God in Islam. Those belonging to the religion of Islam believe in one god. Most of Malaysia’s population are Muslim and follow the practices of Islam. Around 19% are Buddhist, 9% Christian and 6% Hindu. The remaining population either belongs to other religions or no religion at all.

Interesting Facts for Kids 9: Symbols of Malaysia
Each country across the world has its own unique culture, history and identity. Flags, emblems, symbols, colors, mottos, anthems and songs are used to symbolize the pride and individuality of a nation. These national symbols are forged through a nation's unique history and can represent both hardship and prosperity, embodying freedom, strength and unity. Flags, emblems, colors, songs and mottos reflect the past, present and future aspirations of a country, and create an important image to the rest of the world. National symbols can include a mixture of things that are symbolic to a country such as animals, birds, flowers, trees, geographical features, tools of agriculture, crops, and tools of war. Here are some important facts on the symbols, songs and colors of Malaysia:

  • National symbol(s): tiger, hibiscus

  • National colors: red, white, blue and yellow

  • National Anthem/Song: Negaraku (Translation: My Country)

  • National Holiday(s): Independence Day (also known as Merdeka Day), 31 August (1957)

  • National Motto(s): Bersekutu Bertambah Mutu (Translation: unity is strength)

Interesting Malaysia Facts for Kids

Interesting Malaysia Facts - Malaysia Culture Facts - Food - Climate – Malaysia Facts And Information - Map - Geography - Malaysia Asia Facts - Location - Facts on Malaysia For Kids - Basic Malaysia Country Facts Flag - Population - Cool Facts - Language - Capital of Malaysia - Cities - Size - Fun Facts about Malaysia